The Whimsical Mama

<3 Such is the life of a stay at home mommy and Army wife (:

Introducing Our New Feature: Tot Time Thursday! May 8, 2014

Today, I’m introducing a new feature that is going to be starting soon on The Whimsical Mama. It’s Tot Time Thursday!  Now, what is Tot Time Thursday, you ask? Tot Time Thursday is where I will read a children’s books with my kiddos, ask them questions about it, and share it here. I know I focus mainly on YA books, but with as many children’s books as I read, I wanted to showcase some of our favourites. Some of them will be advance reader copies, but most will be personal copies or from the library. Right now, it will be up every other week. If it goes well and we get some reviews stockpiled, it may go to every week. We’re excited to get started! Now to introduce the Tots!

Punk is the oldest. He’s my charming, always into mischief, almost three year old. He loves all things Thomas the Train, superheroes, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Pete the Cat. He’s a big helper and loves to look out for his little sister. He constantly begs to go to the “libary” and loves audiobooks. He’s already a Harry Potter fan! He loves the movies and picked out Sorcerer’s Stone as our car audiobook. He wants to be a superhero, a fire fighter, or a pirate when he grows up. But for now, he’s “just a boy.” (He’ll be giving the vocal answers!) His responses will be in red.

Ladybug/Bug is the youngest. She’s my impish, sweet, one year old. She loves all things Thomas the Train, princesses, stuffed animals, Pete the Cat, and Ladybug Girl. She’s big into climbing and getting into sticky situations. (Mainly getting stuck when she climbs) She loves trying to do what big brother does. She loves library day and tries to bring all the books home. Most of her answers will be in smiles, laughs, and claps. She’s not sure what she wants to be when she grows up, but she’s thinking being a Disney Princess sounds nice! Her responses will be in purple.

I’m hoping our first review will be up next week! If we get enough interest, we’ll probably have some giveaways, too! Here are a few books that will be up soon! (:

Do you have any words of advice, encouragement, etc. for the two newest bloggers on The Whimsical Mama? They would love to hear from you!