The Whimsical Mama

<3 Such is the life of a stay at home mommy and Army wife (:

Top Ten Tuesday #46: Characters I Want with Me on a Desert Island July 22, 2014


Each week, the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish think up a fun theme for the week and participating bloggers around the net join in. The theme for this week is:

Top Ten Characters I Want with Me on a Desert Island

Two weeks in a row this has been super easy and super challenging all at the same time!


1. Katniss, The Hunger Games. I’m betting she’ll be on a lot of lists today. But let’s face it, she’s an incredible hunter and on a desert island, you need all the help you can get as far as food is concerned.

2. Hermione Granger, Harry Potter. With all of her random knowledge? She’s definitely a good girl to have in a stick spot!

3. Alina, Grisha. The Sun Summoner? Yes, please. Light when we need it!

4. Magnus, The Mortal Instruments/The Bane Chronicles/The Infernal Devices. A witch and a warlock? We SHOULD have it made!

5. Mal, Grisha. Essentially a perfect tracker? Score!

6. Fia, Mind Games. Perfect instincts? We’ll take them!

7. Tarver, These Broken Stars. Okay. He’s totally some eye candy. BUT he’s a decorated solider and good in a tight spot so it’s a win-win. Plus he’s been stranded on an essentially uninhabited planet so he’s got experience!

8. Logan, Defiance. Inventor of all the awesome things and eye candy. We need it and he’ll probably be able to invent it!

9. Roar, Under the Never Sky. Superhuman hearing abilities? I definitely think that would come in handy on a desert island. Doesn’t hurt that he’s some eye candy too!.

10. Drill, Rites of Passage. Badass drill sergeant? Mmmm. I’ll take him any day of the week! Scouting and survival skills will be handy too!

11. Nerissa, The Aquarathi. Shape shifting don’t want to mess with her sea alien? Well. We’ve got fishing covered! (: Plus. She’d be super awesome to hang out with!

12. Sam, Incarnate. We totally need a musician that can play all the things. I’m sure he’ll have some sort of instrument with him! Plus, again, EYE CANDY.