The Whimsical Mama

<3 Such is the life of a stay at home mommy and Army wife (:

*Blog Tour & ARC Review* Remember Me by Romily Bernard September 18, 2014

Remember Me (Find Me #2)

by Romily Bernard

Publisher: HarperTeen

Release Date: September 23rd 2014

Read an excerpt


In the sequel to Find Me, Wick Tate, sarcastic teen hacker, is back and once again dealing with criminals and corrupt cops…and a brooding new love interest. Will Wick persevere when some secrets refuse to stay hidden?
Wick had thought her troubles were over.
But she should’ve known better.
Not only is she embroiled in a new murder case, which starts with a body with “Remember Me” carved into it and doesn’t stop there, but she also discovers new evidence surrounding her mother’s suicide…which leads her right back to her imprisoned deadbeat dad. And she has to deal with her flirty new hacker friend, Milo, sniffing around—which her boyfriend, Griff, isn’t too happy about.
The pressure might be too much as secrets—including Wick’s own—climb to the surface.
Remember Me is an edge-of-your-seat thrilling read that’ll have readers turning the pages at lightning speed! The paperback of Find Me is on sale simultaneously, and a digital original novella from Romily, featuring Griff, is on sale just a few weeks before! 

I am struggling right now! Reading Find Me and Remember Me back to back, I’m overwhelmed. It’s one thing seeing inside the hacking world in a movie. Entirely different getting inside a hacker’s head. Whoa.
I’m normally all about me some dystopian &/ fantasy and not really ip for contemporary cause I’m not into real life and romance scene. Yes, I’m  reading a contemporary, but I’m still escaping. I know minimal things of the world of Wick and exploring it has been great!
Right from the beginning, Romily hooks you all over again. Just like Find Me, Remember Me is easily a one sitting read. Unless, of course, you’re a mama of two tots and scrambling to find time to read because your precious two hours of reading a day doesn’t happen. STOP FIGHTING NAPS PUNK AND BUG! >.< Anyway…
One major difference this time around is how much darker things are. Find Me was dark, but Remember Me takes it to a whole other level. Wick is dealing with murders on top of all the other things (fallout from Todd, her dad being in prison, being adopted, etc.) With so much more going on, and not being able to read consistently, I did have to occasionally back up a few chapters to refresh. I think it was a combination of so much going on, reading Find Me and straight into Remember Me, and mommy brain. The struggle is REAL.
Speaking of struggle, that’s a big think Wick and Griff do. After finally getting together in Find Me, they have to fight for their relationship in Remember Me. They struggle with their lives and their romance the entire book. I loved the gritty honesty of life and not a fairytale like romance like in most contemporary YA. I can get both sides of the coin (Wick & Griff), but I also got a bit annoyed with Griff for REASONS (aka SPOILERS lol).
With a new job also comes a new character in Milo. He’s just… well, Milo. Haha. I prefer Griff’s brand of shady over Milo’s, but I also like Milo’s snark over Griff’s moodiness. I know novellas are becoming a played out hot mess, but I would love to see more Milo (*hint hint* Romily *hint hint*)!
I think Romily does a great job avoiding the sophomore slump with Remember Me. It’s full of twists and turns, and of course completely unexpected revelations. It builds on the events of Find Me, sets up for the trilogy finale of Trust Me, and shines on its own. A great read beginning to end and I highly recommend it.



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I graduated from Georgia State University with a Literature degree. Since then, I’ve worked as a riding instructor, cell phone salesgirl, personal assistant, groom, exercise rider, accounting assistant, and, during a very dark time, customer service rep.
So don’t let anyone tell you a BA degree will keep you unemployed. 

Win (1) of (2) signed paperbacks of Find Me + Remember Me by Romily Bernard (US Only)