The Whimsical Mama

<3 Such is the life of a stay at home mommy and Army wife (:

Top Ten Tuesday #47: Authors I Own the Most Books By July 29, 2014


Each week, the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish think up a fun theme for the week and participating bloggers around the net join in. The theme for this week is:

Top Tenish Authors I Own the Most Books By

I was surprised by this week’s results! I knew one author would dominate, but some of the others surprised me!

37 JK Rowling books (duh. Knew she was gonna top the list! Harry Potter: I have all 7 American books in physical, audiobook, and ebook format. 4 British English, 3 French, 1 Spanish, and 1 German. Plus the extra books from the HP realm. Plus her three adult books – 1 audiobook as well )

28 Cassandra Clare books (physical, audio, ebook)

27? Melissa de la Cruz books (I can’t remember which audiobooks/ebooks I have!)

26 Robert Jordan books (Hubby has physical & audio)

22 CS Lewis books (Two complete sets of The Chronicles of Narnia in physical from plus audiobooks. Audio of Mere Christianity)

22 Eoin Colfer books (ebooks, physical, audiobook, ARC)

19 Stephenie Meyer books (ebooks, audio, physical)

15? Jerry B Jenkins books (I can’t remember which Left Behind books I have on ebook!)

10 Lemony Snicket books (really need to complete my set…)

10 HB Gilmour & Randi Reisfeld books

10 George RR Martin books (physical & audio)

9 Charlaine Harris books

8 Anne Rice books

7? Shakespeare book (could’ve sworn I had more)

7 Ann Rinaldi books

6 Jane Austen books

Holy wow! No wonder I just needed a new bookcase! What authors do you own the most books by?  Thanks for stopping by! (: